Excerpted from the ebook “Deception and Counter Deception: Moving Target Attacks vs. Moving Target Defense” by Mordechai Guri, Chief Science Officer at Morphisec. Download the full eBook here.
Cyber attackers constantly develop new methods to overcome organizations’ detection and response mechanisms. The most effective and insidious are deception techniques that make it impossible to anticipate the attacker’s next onslaught. With these new techniques, collectively known as Moving Target Attacks (MTA), new strike variations can be bred in a matter of hours.
All of these tactics involve recurring modifications of source, static signatures, and/or behavior signatures. The most dangerous also hide their malicious intent from defense systems, appearing as benign or unknown behavior. There are eight main techniques that attackers use:
Cyber security defenses invest enormous resources in detecting known attacks, but these modern techniques outsmart current defense mechanisms by constantly changing form. Next week’s post explores Moving Target Defense, a cyber security paradigm that aims at creating asymmetric uncertainty on the attacker’s side.
The new ebook Deception and Counter Deception: Moving Target Attacks vs. Moving Target Defense analyzes how the latest MTA attack techniques evade current defense mechanisms and explores Moving Target Defense (MTD) countermeasures. To read more about MTA and MTD, download the full eBook here.