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Posted by Matthew Delman on January 26, 2021

In today’s weekly edition of Security News in Review, the Morphisec team is bringing you stories about how a cyberattack forced a Belgian hospital to redirect patients, the discovery of yet another malware strain used in the SolarWinds attack, and...

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Posted by Matthew Delman on January 20, 2021

Risk mitigation in cybersecurity is a fast-changing target for companies of all sizes. Each week, the team at Morphisec reads dozens of news sites to keep up with the stories that matter so you can stay on top of the changing threat landscape and...

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Posted by Andrew Homer on August 28, 2020

Cybersecurity spending has continued moving upward trend over the past several years. Just last year, budgets increased 12.4%. In 2020, Gartner expects a more modest increase of 2.4% ending at $123 billion in IT security spending for the year ...

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Posted by Matthew Delman on July 23, 2020

The economic impact of a successful breach is one of the easiest to quantify. It’s also increasing constantly, with analysts predicting the cost of cybercrime globally will exceed $6 trillion annually by 2021, a 100% increase from 2015. Much of this...

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Posted by Roi Vaknin on June 26, 2020

When it comes to public health, good hygiene is paramount in avoiding infection. For companies looking to prevent cyber attacks, good cyber hygiene becomes vital. According to a report by Accenture, the average number of security breaches a company...

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Posted by Daniel Petrillo on May 28, 2020

The term “new normal” means different things to different people. For some, the term is synonymous with a return to the office (just with a few tweaks), while others think that co-located teams are gone for good. The reality is probably somewhere in...

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Posted by Andrew Homer on May 21, 2020

Millions of desks are sitting empty because of the COVID-19 epidemic, turning remote work into the “new normal.” Sudden as this transformation may be, however, it’s actually an acceleration of existing trends.

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Posted by Daniel Petrillo on April 22, 2020

Google, SpaceX, and even NASA, recently banning employee use of Zoom as they shift to work-from-home workforces in response to COVID-19 have shined a spotlight on the widely popular video conferencing tool’s security flaws. While “ZoomBombing”...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on April 9, 2020

With shut-down orders closing offices across the country, millions of Americans have started working remotely. Apps like Skype, Zoom, and dozens of others make it relatively easy to remain connected and productive. They’ve become so indispensable,...

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Posted by Matthew Delman on April 1, 2020

Malware authors worldwide have targeted the fear around COVID-19 as a way to further their goals. This isn’t really a new method of enticing people to download and run their malware; threat actors have always used disasters as a way to deliver their...

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Posted by Ronen Yehoshua on March 11, 2020

Remote work is no longer limited to outside sales reps traveling across the country. Today, the remote employee movement has reached into practically every industry. So much so, in fact, that according to Owl Labs, 54 percent of people work remotely...

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Posted by Andrew Homer on January 21, 2020

Recently, news came out about a CVE-2020-0674 vulnerability in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer scripting engine based on how the browser handles memory. More specifically, within the JScript component of the scripting engine is an unspecified memory...

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Posted by Daniel Petrillo on November 20, 2019

Last week, Intezer and IBM X-Force released new research identifying a new form of ransomware, which they named PureLocker. Written in PureBasic and designed to attack servers, this damaging new malware has been described as Malware-as-a-Service in...

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Posted by Shelley Leveson on August 29, 2019

With summer waning, kids back in school, and year-end quotas looming, we’re coming up to the busiest business travel season of the year. From September through November, business travelers log more trips than any other period. Most organizations...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on August 7, 2019

For the second year in a row, Morphisec has awarded three scholarships to top female students pursuing cybersecurity degrees around the world. The latest numbers still place women’s employment in the cybersecurity industry at only 24%, but the...

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Posted by Shelley Leveson on July 30, 2019

With their highly valuable payment card and personal sensitive information, Point-of-Sale (POS) systems present a ripe target for cybercrime groups. A successful breach can have enormous consequences for the attacked organization, from detecting and...

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Posted by Shelley Leveson on July 15, 2019

Cybercrime has turned its attention toward city and regional governments and the scale and scope of the problem will continue to grow. That was one of the main threads at the recent U.S. House of Representatives hearing on , which was held in the...

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Posted by Shelley Leveson on June 18, 2019

Despite enormous investments in cybersecurity by their financial service providers, customers still feel that they are not doing enough to protect their financial assets and data. That was just one of the findings of Morphisec's new 2019 Consumer...

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Posted by Ronen Yehoshua on May 3, 2019

Enterprises migrating to or already on Windows 10 have the perfect opportunity to greatly improve their security profile and simplify operations at the same time – without incurring more costs. The key is fully leveraging the integrated Windows 10...

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Posted by Morphisec Team on April 17, 2019

Americans Fear of an Imminent or Elevated Cyber Threat Against the Nation Drops to 51%; But 27% of Citizens Believe There Are Lingering Effects on Cyber Defenses from the Government Shutdown

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