EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR: Microsoft Outlook Chaos Unleashed — Live Technical Analysis of New Vulnerabilities
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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on December 17, 2020

Antivirus software is kind of the lock on a window: it keeps out the most basic sorts of intruders but provides little protection against someone willing to break the glass. The analogy is even more apt because, like window locks, antivirus software...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on July 30, 2020

Defending your critical infrastructure against cyber threats has never been harder. Adversaries constantly innovate new techniques to exfiltrate or encrypt data, forcing defenders to play a cybersecurity version of “whack-a-mole” in their attempts...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on April 9, 2020

With shut-down orders closing offices across the country, millions of Americans have started working remotely. Apps like Skype, Zoom, and dozens of others make it relatively easy to remain connected and productive. They’ve become so indispensable,...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on August 7, 2019

For the second year in a row, Morphisec has awarded three scholarships to top female students pursuing cybersecurity degrees around the world. The latest numbers still place women’s employment in the cybersecurity industry at only 24%, but the...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on June 6, 2019

This article is the first in a three-part series looking at Morphisec version 3.5 - Unified Threat Prevention platform. Next week we take a deep dive into the new Attack Trajectory and the ways that this powerful tool can be used. Subscribe to this...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on March 15, 2019

On the heels of RSA 2019 and International Women’s Day, I am proud to announce Morphisec’s second annual Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship. This year’s scholarship program offers three awards totaling $8,000 aimed at encouraging women studying...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on January 24, 2019

Industry best practices demand patching software vulnerabilities as soon as a patch is released, in order to shorten the time period in which the organization is at risk. But industry surveys show that IT organizations are overburdened with patches,...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on December 20, 2018

Just in time for the new year, Morphisec has released a new version of our Endpoint Threat Prevention platform. Version 3.0 features enhanced, advanced analytics and SOC dashboarding, richer, SOC-enabled threat intelligence capabilities, and a new...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on June 28, 2018

Morphisec is pleased to announce the 2018 winners of the Morphisec Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship. The program offers three scholarships for female students enrolled in cybersecurity-related studies to support and encourage young women exploring...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on April 26, 2018

One of the hottest topics at last week’s RSA Conference was GDPR. Over twenty sessions covered GDPR from various angles and many more touched upon the subject in some way. This was hardly surprising – with the May 25th compliance deadline looming,...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on April 19, 2018

Although I’m excited to be at the RSA Conference with my Morphisec colleagues, it reminds me of the impetus for starting our Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship. Of 28 keynote speakers at RSAC, only seven are women, and six of these were added at...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on October 24, 2017

Much has been written about the high barriers to entry for women in cybersecurity. Certainly the numbers are depressing. Women make up just 11% of the world’s information security workforce, according to the 2017 Global Information Security...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on December 4, 2016

This is the second blog post in a series of excerpts from the ebook (download here) “Know Your Cyber Security ROI: Making the Business Case for Cyber Security.” The first post introduced the concept of cybersecurity implicit ROI and the factors...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on November 18, 2016

Microsoft recently announced it would extend support for its Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) until July 31, 2018. According to Microsoft, this 18 month reprieve – originally support was scheduled to end on January 21, 2017 – is the...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on November 15, 2016

Executives often view cybersecurity as an expense, a necessary one perhaps, but still a burden on company finances, focus and time. Instead it should be approached as an investment – an investment in protecting an organization’s systems,...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on October 12, 2016

Microsoft released its October patching update today and, as announced, it introduces a major change that has many system administrators wondering just what to do.

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on October 5, 2016

A Brief History of vdi

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is not a new concept – in fact virtualized desktops can be traced back to the 1960s, when IBM divided up mainframes into virtual machines to allow for multiple, simultaneous users. The...

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