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Posted by Arnold Osipov on June 6, 2024

Morphisec Labs has been monitoring increased activity associated with Sticky Werewolf, a group suspected to have geopolitical and/or hacktivist ties. While the group’s geographical origin and home base remain unclear, recent attack techniques...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on March 26, 2024

Recently, Morphisec Labs identified a significant increase in activity linked to Mispadu (also known as URSA), a banking trojan first flagged by ESET in 2019. Initially concentrated on LATAM countries and Spanish-speaking individuals, Mispadu has...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on January 18, 2024

In ongoing efforts to monitor and analyze emerging cyber threats, Morphisec Threat Labs has recently turned its focus to Chae$ 4.1, an update to the Chaes malware Infostealer series. This version introduces key updates, including an improved Chronod...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on June 29, 2023

Since April, Morphisec Labs has been closely monitoring an active GuLoader campaign that primarily focuses on law firms, along with healthcare and investment firms, specifically within the United States. GuLoader, also known as Cloudeye, has been...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on March 7, 2023

Starting in November 2022, Morphisec has been tracking an advanced info stealer we have named “SYS01 stealer.” SYS01 stealer uses similar lures and loading techniques to another information stealer recently dubbed S1deload by the Bitdefender group,...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on March 29, 2022

The Morphisec Labs team has conducted research on the new Mars infostealer. Mars is based on the older Oski Stealer and was first discovered in June 2021. The new Mars is available for sale on several underground forums and is reported to be under...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on October 14, 2021
  • Morphisec Labs tracked a new MirrorBlast campaign targeting financial services organizations 
  • MirrorBlast is delivered via a phishing email that contains malicious links which download a weaponized Excel document
  • MirrorBlast has low detections on...
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Posted by Arnold Osipov on May 14, 2021

The Morphisec Labs team has been tracking an ongoing RAT delivery campaign that started in February this year. This campaign is unique in its heavy use of the AutoHotKey scripting language—a fork of the AutoIt language frequently used for testing...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on January 4, 2021

This report has been updated with assistance from the cybersecurity community.

Morphisec Labs has been tracking FIN7 (Carbanak Group) activity for the past several years. Morphisec’s ability to collect rich forensic data from memory has provided...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on November 12, 2020

An Infostealer is a trojan that is designed to gather and exfiltrate private and sensitive information from a target system. There is a large variety of info stealers active in the wild, some are independent and some act as a modular part of a...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on August 20, 2020

Morphisec Labs has tracked a massive maldoc campaign delivering the QakBot/QBot banking trojan, starting earlier this month. Qakbot leverages advanced techniques to evade detection and hamper manual analysis of the threat. In this post we will...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on June 24, 2020

The Morphisec Labs team has tracked an obfuscated VBScript package in campaigns since March 2020. Initially, the malware campaign was focused on targets within Germany, but has since moved on to additional targets--excluding any IP address within...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on June 2, 2020

Ursnif/Gozi Introduction:

Morphisec has been tracking an uptick in the delivery of Ursnif/Gozi during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we have noticed a significant spike both in numbers and sophistication. The latest delivery methods will many...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on April 2, 2020

Guloader is a downloader that has been widely used from December 2019. Several security researchers have identified the downloader in the wild, signifying that it has quickly gained popularity among threat actors. When it first appeared, GuLoader...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on March 18, 2020

Following the increase in Parallax RAT campaigns -- the new RAT on the block, Morphisec Labs decided to release more technical details on some of the latest campaigns that the Morphisec Unified Threat Prevention Platform intercepted and prevented...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on January 30, 2020

The Trickbot trojan is one of the most advanced malware delivery vehicles currently in use. Attackers have leveraged it to deliver a wide variety of malicious code, in many different methods. Just yesterday, Bleeping Computer reported that news...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on December 19, 2019

A whopping 186.4 million Americans shopped in stores and online between Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year, according to the National Retail Federation. On average, these shoppers spent $361.90 per person over the five-day Thanksgiving weekend.

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on August 6, 2019

Last week, a new strain of ransomware hit dozens of targets across Germany. The categorization as ransomware is really a misnomer as, while the attackers do demand a ransom, by that time the victim’s data has already been irreversibly wiped, even if...

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on July 18, 2019

Morphisec Labs recently investigated an ongoing BitPaymer ransomware campaign that has been attacking companies across the U.S., both public and private, over the last 3 months.

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Posted by Arnold Osipov on May 13, 2019

Hworm/njRAT is a Remote Access Tool (RAT) that first appeared in 2013 in targeted attacks against the international energy industry, primarily in the Middle East. It was soon commoditized and is now part of a constantly evolving family of RATs...

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