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Posted by Michael Gorelik on June 30, 2020

Since early March, the team at Morphisec Labs has been supporting enterprises as they shift to distributed workforces in response to COVID-19. From assisting hospitals with securing their remote workers to uncovering new weaknesses in collaboration...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on June 16, 2020

As part of a rapid change in the work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic, Morphisec Labs has been tracking the change in the attack trend landscape. This has included the evolution of adware, PUA, and fraudulent software bundle delivery beyond...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on May 13, 2020

The rise of fileless attacks in the past 10 years has stymied even the best antivirus software. Traditional AV is designed to detect known signatures of known malware and prevent it from executing. Fileless attacks lack a signature, which allows it...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on February 28, 2020

EDITOR'S NOTE: The previous version of this blog post mis-identified the source of this attack as the FIN7 group; GRIFFON and OSTAP are both very long javascripts that have many similarities. This caused the confusion in identifying the attack as...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on October 10, 2019

In August of 2019, just a month after our publication on a targeted BitPaymer/IEncrypt campaign, Morphisec identified a new and alarming evasion technique that the same adversaries adopted while targeting yet another enterprise in the automotive...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on June 10, 2019

During the period of March to May 2019, Morphisec Labs observed a new, highly sophisticated variant of the ShellTea / PunchBuggy backdoor malware that attempted to infiltrate a number of machines within the network of a customer in the...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on March 28, 2019


This week, Kaspersky Lab reported initial details of a new supply chain attack on systems by computer giant ASUS. Dubbed ShadowHammer by Kaspersky, the attack leveraged a malicious version of ASUS Live Update,

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on December 18, 2018

Let’s face it – there are a lot of threat reports and threat data floating around. What makes the Morphisec Labs Threat Report different is the type of threats it analyzes. It focuses on the threats that pose a real risk to organizations, the ones...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on December 6, 2018

Microsoft has introduced significant changes in the loader functionality as part of its new re-release of Windows 10 v. 1809.

Morphisec and Microsoft identified an issue impacting users running Morphisec’s ETP agent on top of Windows 10 v. 1809 with...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on November 29, 2018

Note: This post was updated 11-30-18 with details of a new intercepted attack. See technical description below.

Over the past three days, Morphisec Labs researchers have discovered a widespread cyber campaign hitting multiple targets. Morphisec...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on November 21, 2018

This blog was co-authored by Alon Groisman.

It seems like the rumors of FIN7’s decline have been hasty. Just a few months after the well-publicized indictment of three high-ranking members in August, Morphisec has identified a new FIN7 campaign...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on October 8, 2018

Over the past year, Morphisec and several other endpoint protection companies have been tracking a resurgence in activity from the Cobalt Group. Cobalt is one of the most notorious cybercrime operations, with attacks against more than 100 banks...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on June 20, 2018

So far, 2018 has turned out to be anything but business as usual, at least on the cybersecurity front. The revelation about CPU vulnerabilities Meltdown and Spectre (and all the offshoots); the explosion in cryptojacking – which is likely even more...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on June 18, 2018

After more than four years with no weaponized exploits for Adobe Acrobat Reader, researchers at ESET identified a weaponized PDF that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on the targeted machine and eventually assume full system control. The...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on May 25, 2018

In April, researchers at Qihoo 360 Core Security Division discovered a VBScript vulnerability actively exploited in targeted attacks. Since then, it has appeared in additional attack campaigns. The vulnerability, CVE-2018-8174, dubbed "Double...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on March 23, 2018

On March 21,2018, Morphisec Labs began investigating the compromised website of a leading Hong Kong Telecommunications company after being alerted to it by malware hunter @PhysicalDrive0. The investigation, conducted by Morphisec researchers...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on March 7, 2018

Morphisec researchers Michael Gorelik and Andrey Diment have discovered CIGslip, a new method which can be exploited by attackers to bypass Microsoft’s Code Integrity Guard and load malicious libraries into protected processes such as Microsoft Edge.

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on March 2, 2018

The Lazarus Group, also known as Hidden Cobra, may be in play again. The notorious cybercrime group is allegedly responsible for some of the most devastating attacks over the past few years, including the SWIFT network hack that stole $81 million...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on February 25, 2018

On February 22, 2018, Morphisec Labs spotted several malicious word documents exploiting the latest Flash vulnerability CVE-2018-4878 in the wild in a massive malspam campaign. Adobe released a patch early February, but it will take some companies...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on February 8, 2018

Before diving into the analysis of CVE-2018-4878, a quick reminder that this is the continuation of our previous post, which provided background on CVE-2018-4878, including a  video of how Morphisec prevents any attacks leveraging this Flash...

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