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Posted by Ronen Yehoshua on January 26, 2017

Today, a few hackers may be ideologically motivated, but the majority of attacks are financially-driven crimes. This is seen most clearly in the rise of ransomware; no mystery, just pure and simple extortion. And consider the latest victim of...

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Posted by Itai Sanders on January 12, 2017

How to Make Your Driver Digitally Signed to Work Across Multiple Windows OS Versions Upon the Latest Changes in Certificate Standards

Software compatibility is a core value and a major concern here at Morphisec. Deploying for multiple clients with...

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Posted by Ursula Ron on December 7, 2016

The FireFox zero-day recently used in the wild made headlines when TOR users that fell victim to the attack lost the one thing they were looking for: anonymous browsing. Speculation ran rife that the exploit may have been created by the FBI or...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on December 4, 2016

This is the second blog post in a series of excerpts from the ebook (download here) “Know Your Cyber Security ROI: Making the Business Case for Cyber Security.” The first post introduced the concept of cybersecurity implicit ROI and the factors...

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Posted by Morphisec Team on October 27, 2016

Morphisec was honored to receive the PricewaterhouseCoopers People’s Choice Award at PwC Cyber Security Day 2016 in Luxembourg last week. (Read the full press release here.)

Award candidates were evaluated on value proposition,...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on October 13, 2016

Morphisec Prevents Major Malspam campaign - Again

In our report at the beginning of September about a large-scale malspam campaign discovered and stopped by Morphisec, we pointed out the central role that malware spam plays for hackers and the...

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Posted by Netta Schmeidler on October 5, 2016

A Brief History of vdi

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is not a new concept – in fact virtualized desktops can be traced back to the 1960s, when IBM divided up mainframes into virtual machines to allow for multiple, simultaneous users. The...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on September 16, 2016

New Locky – Zepto variant prevented by Morphisec

Since Locky’s discovery in February 2016, it has emerged as one of the most prevalent and devastating ransomware threats of 2016. Over the last two months, ransomware in general has evolved greatly in...

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Posted by Dudu Mimran on September 14, 2016

It may sound odd, but cybersecurity has a huge emotional component. Unlike other industries that are driven by optimization and financial gains, cybersecurity has all the makings of a Hollywood movie—good guys, bad guys, nation-states attacking...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on September 8, 2016

Spam is still the preferred attack vector for cyber criminals and malware spam campaigns continue to increase. According to the Symantec Internet Threat Report, 1 in 220 emails in 2015 contained malware. While this figure may seem low, consider that...

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Posted by Arthur Braunstein on August 17, 2016

This year’s Black Hat USA conference was bigger and badder than ever, with attendance up nearly 30% according to show organizers. Of all the security conferences, Black Hat has the most clear divide between the technical practitioner side and the...

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Posted by Mordechai Guri, Ph.D. on August 10, 2016

It’s always an interesting exercise to extrapolate from current technologies and industry challenges to sketch the future landscape. This especially holds true for cyber security, with its rapid growth and change as new threat types, targets and...

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Posted by Morphisec Team on August 4, 2016

Black Hat USA is in full swing, and cyber experts in every field have descended on Vegas to catch up on the latest cyber threat research, see the latest security technologies and cram in as much hacking and fun as possible into a few short days....

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Posted by Morphisec Team on August 3, 2016

One of Morphisec’s mandates is to share our expertise with the industry at large. You’ll find bylines and commentary by team members in numerous publications on everything from the cyber security implications of Brexit to improving supply chain...

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Posted by Michael Gorelik on July 12, 2016

There are kits for everything these days: beer brewing, engine tuning, and, yes, hacking. Hacking's “exploit kits” (EKs)—toolkits with packaged exploit codes—let almost anyone become a digital intruder, from the guy down the hall to the nation-state...

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Posted by Arthur Braunstein on June 14, 2016

Imagine a conversation like this.

ASPIRING VIOLINIST:  Maestro, what should I do to be a violin virtuoso?

MAESTRO: You must practice 48 hours every day on the tuba. I will sell you a tuba.

ASPIRING VIOLINIST: But there are only 24 hours in a day....

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Posted by Ursula Ron on June 9, 2016

Here is a treat for our Polish speaking readers!

In yesterday’s interview with Poranek WTK, Dawid Nogaj, CEO of PC Service and authorized Morphisec distributor in Poland, explains why signature-based endpoint security solutions are on their way out....

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Posted by Shelley Leveson on June 1, 2016

How do you outsmart malware? In an article published by Tech Crunch last week, tech reporter Ben Dickson investigates the new generation of smart malware. He manages to sum up the crux of the problem in two sentences: “Virus definition databases...

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Posted by Morphisec Team on May 31, 2016

CVE-2015-2545 is the vulnerability that just keeps on giving. First spotted in August 2015, in a targeted attack by the Platinum Group, it allows attackers to bypass system memory protections via a malicious EPS image file embedded in a Microsoft...

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Posted by Morphisec Team on May 30, 2016

Join Morphisec at Infosecurity Europe 2016 at Olypmia in London June 7-9. Marking our recently established partnership, we are thrilled to exhibit together with XML International, a leading global provider of consulting and authorized Morphisec...

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